Splatter Bubble Colony



Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) is a captivating species known for its distinctive, bubble-like polyps that create an enchanting underwater display. Native to the Indo-Pacific region, Bubble Corals are celebrated for their large, translucent, and inflated bubbles that can vary in color from soft greens to vivid pinks. These corals add a unique, otherworldly touch to any marine tank, with their striking appearance and gentle, flowing movement. Ideal for reef aquariums, Bubble Corals thrive in moderate lighting and gentle water flow, making them a visually stunning and relatively easy-to-care-for addition to your underwater world.

Quick Facts

 Scientific Name: Plerogyra sinuosa

W: 2.5" H: 2.5"






Notes from the King:

"Green is one of the rarest colors on a bubble!"